Early warning systems a legal requirement!

Early evacuation systems make use of stench gas or fragrance gas to warn miners of an ensuing fire before zero visibility is achieved.  When the stench gas or fragrance is released, it creates a strong, pungent odor that can be detected by humans above smoke, even at low concentrations. This allows workers to evacuate the mine before a fire can spread, and gives them valuable time to get to a place of safety in clear visibility. .

Stench gas or fragrant  systems (such as Frontline®) are always used in conjunction with other fire detection systems, such as heat sensors and smoke detectors. The smoke detectors are typically installed where fires are most likely to occur, and the Frontline® unit that disperses the fragrance is installed near the workplace. This means that miners are made aware of the fire whilst it is still a significant distance from the workplace.  The drawback of stench gas is that it causes a “fear” factor, whereas the benefit of Frontline® is using a grape fragrance.  The grape fragrance, being a food flavour, does not cause a “fear” reaction.


Here are some of the benefits of using Frontline® for early fire detection in mines:

  • If installed correctly it easily provides a 30-minute early warning at the workplace in the event of fire.It links up to existing smoke and gas detectors in any mine.The system is easy to use and easy to maintain, as it has indicator lights that shows that it has access to power, a working backup battery and that the pressure on the fragrance cylinder is adequate.
  • Early evacuation systems such as Frontline® are an important part of mine safety. They can help to prevent fires from spreading and can save lives.

How important is an early emergency evacuation system in mines?

Early fire detection systems are very important in mines for a number of reasons. First, mines are often very hazardous environments, with the potential for fires to spread quickly and easily. Second, mines are often remote, meaning that it can take a long time for proto teams to arrive on the scene. Third, fires in mines can have devastating consequences, including loss of life, property damage, and environmental pollution.

Early warning evacuation systems can help to mitigate these risks by providing an early warning of a fire. This gives workers time to evacuate the mine safely and to take steps to extinguish the fire. Early fire detection systems can also help to prevent fires from spreading, which can further reduce the risk of injury or death.